Willard Romney on Taxes
GOV. ROMNEY: Well, let's, let's step back and get all the numbers right. First of all, it was nearly a $3 billion budget gap that we faced as we came into office, my team and I. Secondly, we raised fees, and we generated about $240 million worth of increased revenue. So of a $3 billion budget gap, we raised fees of about $240 million. Now, these were not broad-based fees. I said I'm not going to go after driver's license fees or automobile fees for registration because these apply to everybody, and any...
MR. RUSSERT: Duplicate driver's license fee.
GOV. ROMNEY: Because, because if they're broad, broad-based, they, they have the--they have a sense, a feeling like a tax.
Gee, Willard, you're a prince!
اسباب انسداد بالوعة و مغسلة المطبخ و الحمام
افضل طريقة لحل مشكلة انسداد المجاري في المطبخ
وليد العروي, at 8:50 AM
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