BUYcott CITGO-Send a Message to the Houses of Bush and Saud
It would make me mad as a hornet to know that someone was using money from China, Russia, or France to promote a political candidate here in the USA. Of course, that is what is going on in Venezuela. And that, in fact makes me mad as hell because it is our tax dollars being spent for a purpose that does not benefit Americans and will, if successful, veto the electoral will of Venezuelans.
Through the National Endowment for Democracy, the Bush administration is trying to remove the duly elected (last time in a 60% landslide. Eat your heart out, Mr. 51% Political Capital Bush!) government of Venezuela. At the same time, our leader holds hands, literally, with the royal dictator of Saudi Arabia, where the schoolbooks are full of "hate America messages" and the home of 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers. If it bothers you that we are meddling in the internal politics of another country and kissing up to people who hate us, want our money, and are tyrannical in their own country, there us an elegant way to protest. Buy your gas at Citgo . Citgo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company of Venezuela. This denies your dollars to a dictatorship, Saudi Arabia, and expresses you disapproval of our meddling in other countries. International politics is tiresome, if not complex, but we can expect a coup and dictatorship in Venezuela if Bushco gets its way and who really cares if Saudi Arabia is controlled by a royal dictatorship or the mullahs? Send a message! BUYcott CITGO!
Through the National Endowment for Democracy, the Bush administration is trying to remove the duly elected (last time in a 60% landslide. Eat your heart out, Mr. 51% Political Capital Bush!) government of Venezuela. At the same time, our leader holds hands, literally, with the royal dictator of Saudi Arabia, where the schoolbooks are full of "hate America messages" and the home of 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers. If it bothers you that we are meddling in the internal politics of another country and kissing up to people who hate us, want our money, and are tyrannical in their own country, there us an elegant way to protest. Buy your gas at Citgo . Citgo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company of Venezuela. This denies your dollars to a dictatorship, Saudi Arabia, and expresses you disapproval of our meddling in other countries. International politics is tiresome, if not complex, but we can expect a coup and dictatorship in Venezuela if Bushco gets its way and who really cares if Saudi Arabia is controlled by a royal dictatorship or the mullahs? Send a message! BUYcott CITGO!
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Anonymous, at 7:50 PM
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