Suspension of Davis-Bacon "prevailing wage"
I sent the following email to my representative, Ron Lewis, and my senators, Jim Bunning and Mitch McConnell:
My prediction is that all three will either ignore my question or will, after a long delay, reply with a vague evasive explanation, possibly with a reference to prayer, of why working people should sacrifice for Dick Cheney's company.
As you know, President Bush has suspended the "prevailing wage" provision of the Davis-Bacon Act as a part of his response to Hurricane Katrina. Some of us believe that is pretty sorry treatment for the people who live in the Gulf Coast area who surely need jobs that pay well to rebuild their lives, especially when multimillion dollar no-bid contracts are being handed out to Fluor, Bechtel, Halliburton, and the Shaw Group, the same bunch burning our tax dollars in Iraq. I believe most working Kentuckians would rather see their tax dollars go to fellow WORKING Americans. Certainly, we doubt that these companies would have trouble turning a profit paying prevailing wage.
Where do you stand? I'm sure all Kentuckians would like to know.
My prediction is that all three will either ignore my question or will, after a long delay, reply with a vague evasive explanation, possibly with a reference to prayer, of why working people should sacrifice for Dick Cheney's company.
i for one hate the fuck outta that hawley smoot tariff act. leave the farmers alone man. if they don't grow stuff like tomatos and tobacco how the hell do we get chili and cigarretes. you tell me wise guy you tell me. i'm from ohio and not kentucky so i don't no what your talkin about but i agree with every thing you say man. you keep it real daddy. and for the good people in loiuisuiana that are dead and floating face down well god bless you to.
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
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