Fred Thompson: Intellectually Qualified to be a Republican Presidential Candidate
Hot Damn! I should have known the Repugs would find a good ole boy to be Prez! He has pronounced comedian Rush Limbaugh "one of the strongest supporters of our troops." Isn't that fine? Mr. "I can't go to Viet Nam because of my pilonidal cyst" can be one of the strongest supporters just by running his loud mouth and defaming anyone who questions this war. All you libs picking on poor Rush need to back off now. An actor with gravitas has spoke!
Fred himself may or may not have found time in his youth to serve in the military, but he did play a Rear Admiral in The Hunt for Red October. That, of course, would also qualify him for the presidency. Go, Fred, you big ole patriot
Fred himself may or may not have found time in his youth to serve in the military, but he did play a Rear Admiral in The Hunt for Red October. That, of course, would also qualify him for the presidency. Go, Fred, you big ole patriot