Jackleg Thinktank

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Chewbacca Defense

During the past week, Jon Stewart and internet pundits have been referring to the manure being shovelled in defense of Leaky Karl by flacks like Mehlman as the Chewbacca Defense. This is the definition of the Chewbacca Defense. I think we're going to hear a whole lot of it between now and October.

In fact, this Urban Dictionary may prove to be useful to us all.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Leaky Karl. . . Where's the Corporate Media

According to this, Karl Rove was fired from the Bush I campaign for leaking to ROBERT NOVAK. What kind of newshound does it take to find and report this information? How do you categorize it? History Repeats Itself? Stupid is as Stupid Does (apologies to Forrest Gump's mom)? Now, is Ole Karl thumbing his nose just at the media, just at Democrats, or at all of us? Just for fun, how about a cartoon? Maybe his gesture is for Patrick Fitzgerald and the grand jury. I bet he'll be just as jaunty on the way to jail!
Rove pic from http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1443266/posts

Friday, July 22, 2005

BUYcott CITGO-Send a Message to the Houses of Bush and Saud

It would make me mad as a hornet to know that someone was using money from China, Russia, or France to promote a political candidate here in the USA. Of course, that is what is going on in Venezuela. And that, in fact makes me mad as hell because it is our tax dollars being spent for a purpose that does not benefit Americans and will, if successful, veto the electoral will of Venezuelans.

Through the National Endowment for Democracy, the Bush administration is trying to remove the duly elected (last time in a 60% landslide. Eat your heart out, Mr. 51% Political Capital Bush!) government of Venezuela. At the same time, our leader holds hands, literally, with the royal dictator of Saudi Arabia, where the schoolbooks are full of "hate America messages" and the home of 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers. If it bothers you that we are meddling in the internal politics of another country and kissing up to people who hate us, want our money, and are tyrannical in their own country, there us an elegant way to protest. Buy your gas at Citgo . Citgo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company of Venezuela. This denies your dollars to a dictatorship, Saudi Arabia, and expresses you disapproval of our meddling in other countries. International politics is tiresome, if not complex, but we can expect a coup and dictatorship in Venezuela if Bushco gets its way and who really cares if Saudi Arabia is controlled by a royal dictatorship or the mullahs? Send a message! BUYcott CITGO!


Billions on International Meddling

Representative Ron Paul, Republican of Texas, is no liberal. But he's able to see a waste of tapayer dollars sent overseas that do us no good and probably do us harm. The National Endowment for Democracy operates more like the old-line Communists than true democrats and we do not need to send money to the UN to pay for meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. This is worth a close read and maybe a message to your Congressmen and Senators.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Meddling With Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez doesn't seem like a very nice guy. He seems to be playing hardball with big business and big labor, he is making friends with some of our enemies and competitors, he is an "OPEC hawk," and Citgo is mad at him. In a region that has a history of tinhorn dictators and banana republics, in our disparaging rhetoric, he may fit right in.

The multi-national Republican noise machine is cranking up to get rid of him. Why? Is he having a bad effect on the lives of the people of Venezuela? Is he even a minor threat to the United States, except for adding a few pennies to the price of oil? If we don't stop him in Baghdad--I mean, Caracas, will we have to stop him in San Antonio?

NO! He is friendly with Castro, who our Republicans need as a demon. He may expropriate some oil profits from Citgo, but probably not as much as George Bush is giving them. He is buying weapons from someone else besides us and he doesn't want our military teaching his military to do what? Overthrow him? He doesn't want our propaganda arm, the National Endowment for Democracy, to give money to his big business, rich enemies. Big Deal!

I am not a fan of Hugo Chavez, but I am a fan of Minding Our Own Business. It is in the best interest of the United States of America to stop spending our money meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. Hugo Chavez is playing Robin Hood in Venezuela and that seems to be quite popular with ordinary Venezuelans, who keep electing him and putting him back in power after the rich Venezuelans have their coups. We need a new Good Neighbor Policy and this time we need to be a good neighbor by minding our own business and respecting the sovereignty of other countries. We have no great moral or intellectual superiority to the people who elected Hugo Chavez or Salvator Allende or anyone else.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Finally, a Believable Religion

Are you, like me, in search of a religion that explains all phenomena using a friendly and tasty blend of logic and faith? Do you want a religion that is kind and yet has a piquant flavor? Are you frightened or bored by the hellfire and damnation proclaimed by those overweight guys in designer suits? are you concerned about the unexplained increase in global warming, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters? The answer is here. Shall we join?