Jackleg Thinktank

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Calling Out a Liar

As I was driving this morning I tuned in the local AM station and heard Rep. Tom Tancredo (R, naturally) talking to Laura Ingraham. He told an anecdote that involved visiting a public school and finding a chapter in a 9th grade history book that began "Columbus came to America and destroyed Paradise." I cannot find any such reference in my cursory search and challenge Rep Tancredo to identify the offending text. In the same exchange, he described visiting a high school assembly and asking the question, "Is the United States the greatest country on earth?" He relates being shocked and disappointed to see that only about ten percent of the students raised their hands. I challenge Tancredo to identify the school and produce witnesses to the incident.

I believe these are apocryphal MADE UP anecdotes to sell the notion that there is a conspiracy by "liberal multiculturists" that has taken over PUBLIC schools. Rep. Tancredo must be opposed to public schools in addition to his notorious opposition to illegal immigrants. Why else would he attempt to further the paranoid notion that public schools have a hidden liberal agenda?


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