When Baloney is Bologna
Recently in the grocery, I picked up a chunk of unsliced bologna and was about to put it back on the shelf when I noticed a sticker on the package that said "Contains NO chicken or turkey." With no further thought, I placed it in my cart.
Now for another bit of unadulterated baloney. Karl Rove has sent the troops out with the message that Democrats cut and run. Does he mean they cut and run like Reagan did in 1984 when they bombed the barracks in Lebanon? Or is he talking George W. Bush shutting down our bases in Saudi Arabia? Did Nixon cut and run when he closed down Vietnam? How about Ike in 1953? Can the Republicans hold on to Congress this year on a lame but macho scare tactic or will they have to fix the election?
Now for another bit of unadulterated baloney. Karl Rove has sent the troops out with the message that Democrats cut and run. Does he mean they cut and run like Reagan did in 1984 when they bombed the barracks in Lebanon? Or is he talking George W. Bush shutting down our bases in Saudi Arabia? Did Nixon cut and run when he closed down Vietnam? How about Ike in 1953? Can the Republicans hold on to Congress this year on a lame but macho scare tactic or will they have to fix the election?
Even as the administration exploited this Official Story (or "Official Conspiracy Theory") as the pretext to launch new wars long in the making, independent researchers began to accumulate a vast body of evidence suggesting a different narrative for 9/11: that of the Inside Job.
The 9/11 events and the anomalies in the official story raised Unanswered Questions about:
- the unprecedented failure of the US air defense system on the morning of the attacks;
- the AWOL military chain of command during the actual attacks, including the inexplicable behavior of the presidential entourage;
- the seeming impossibility of official claims with regard to Flight 77;
- the evidence that Flight 93 was shot down;
- contradictions and dubious evidence in the official claims about the alleged hijackers and masterminds, and doubts about their real identities;
- signs that the alleged hijackers enjoyed high-level protection against discovery by honest investigators;
- evidence that the alleged hijackers were financed by states allied with US intelligence;
- suspicious and massive international financial trades suggesting foreknowledge of the attacks;
- widespread signs of official foreknowledge and, in fact, advance preparation for the 9/11 attack scenario;
- the long-running links between Islamist fundamentalist terror cells and US covert operations, dating back to CIA support for the anti-Soviet mujahedeen and Osama Bin Ladin himself;
- the demolition-like collapse of the Twin Towers and of a third skyscraper, WTC 7;
- and questions concerning who could have logically expected to derive benefit in the aftermath of a massive attack on the United States.
The suspicions received further confirmation a few weeks after September 11th, with the arrival of anthrax letters targeted only at opposition politicians and media figures, and timed to coincide with the introduction of the USA PATRIOT Act.
Google: 9/11 inside job
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM
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